Words cannot express our overwhelming gratitude for all of our community support and help! It was our vision to produce a creative...
In The "Loop"!
It's not every day you come across a company who is just as passionate in supporting the community as they are in the community...
Haute Feature: Tygerian Lace
In the constantly growing landscape of fashion, it's a breath of chic air to find a designer who's sense of individuality doesn't...
Model Calls Are Complete!!!
Thank you Charlotte and Greensboro for coming out and auditioning! Those who qualified will be notified shortly! Thank you! Photo credit:...
Hello Charlotte!!!
It was only 10 months ago that our beautiful city of Charlotte, NC, came together as a fashion community, raised thousands and donated it...
Thank You Charlotte!!!
After 5 months of preparations, it's hard to believe Fashion Beyond Borders is over! What a beautiful experience, with so many amazing...
Darrell Raoch, An American Artist
Well-respected celebrity designer, Darrell Roach, has come on board with FBB!!! His work has strutted down numerous red carpets and been...
Amani and Mary
Part of community collaboration is providing opportunities for others to get their voices heard and their products shared! Amani...
Thank You Erin Hubbs!"
When it comes to our experience throughout this journey of creating Fashion Beyond Borders, we are happy to say that so many...