Why Honduras?
As our world becomes increasingly smaller, due to technology, we each are more aware and exposed to various circumstances and situations beyond that of our own front doors. As it has been mentioned as of late, our Millennial Generation has tipped the scales of global awareness and has propelled the focus of our social and political environments toward the need for responsible involvement regarding prominent issues, such as education and human rights.

With this being said, it is of no surprise that people would wonder why we have chosen to support The
Merino School in Honduras, out of all the other thousands of causes in the world and in our own country. The truth of the matter, is that Honduras is our passion, because the students and faculty represent all of us- they represent the world.
The families that we worked with last March, in Honduras, all had hopes for their children to accomplish more in their lifetimes. Each student had goals and dreams of success, and openly shared with us their fears for the future and their desire to make something of themselves. Only 43 percent of children enrolled in public schools in Honduras even complete the primary level. Of all children entering the first grade, only 30 percent go on to secondary school, and only 8 percent continue to the university. This is all due to a lack of resources and support.

If even we can raise only enough to help one child, what a difference would result in their life! Positive change can occur in ways we can't even imagine, and it doesn't take much effort.. simply a small act of kindness. One child can change one family and one family can change one community! One community can change others and the snow ball effect of positive results could have impacts across the whole world! Change never occurs by thinking... it occurs by doing. Fashion Beyond Borders Runway Charity Show is our efforts to act and to do what we can, in order to bring small change, in hopes that small changes will evolve into larger changes. Individually, our ideas are limited, but together, we can all do our part to change lives!
Please support us by purchasing your ticket for this show and sharing the message of God's love and positive change with your family and friends!